Instructions for presenters

Important things to know:   

Instructions for presenters who are presenting an oral presentation

You will have 15 minutes to present. At the end of your presentation there will be 3 minutes for questions.

The meeting is being run as a meeting not a webinar – this means everyone uses the same link to access the meeting (there is no special presenter link).

You will be presenting live from your own computer. You will need to have access to a microphone and a webcam.

Please be aware that when you share your screen it is possible others may see your desktop and other files that you have open.

When using your webcam please be aware of what is behind you. Remember also that the conference proceedings are being recorded and will be made public.

If you chose not to use your webcam the name that you entered or the name associated with your zoom account will be displayed. Please check that the name displayed is correct as you will not be able to change this name during the call.

What will happen during your session?

We have organised the talks into sessions with breaks before the start of each block. Please be logged into the call by the time the break starts before your session. If you are speaking in the first session of the day please join the call 10 minutes early.

At the start of the break before your session please raise your hand in zoom to let the host know you are online.

Before the session starts your host will add you as a co-host so that you will be able to present.

When it is your turn to present you will be able to unmute yourself, turn on screen sharing and select your presentation.

One of the hosts will manage the questions for you and unmute attendees that wish to ask questions. If any questions are submitted via chat these questions will be read aloud by a host for you to respond to.

After you have presented the host will remove you as a co-host and you will return to being an attendee.

To raise your hand, click on the participants icon (this will usually be at the bottom or the top of your screen). You will only need to do this once and it should open up a side panel or a window which lists participants.

If you are pre-recording your talk please upload your talk to the link you received by email before 21 September 2023.

Instructions for presenters who are presenting a poster presentation

Poster presenters have the choice of 2 formats for their posters.

Option 1 (the preferred option) - Because many people will be viewing the online meeting on laptop screens, we would like to encourage you to present your posters as a short 5 minute poster talk. Your presentation can contain up to 5 slides (plus a title and a acknowledgements slide) and your video can be up to 5 minutes. The preferred video format is MP4 but you can use any program that will record in any of the following formats MP4, MOV, WMV, AVI, and FLV.

Option 2 - You can submit a traditional large format poster in pdf format.

Upload your poster to the link you received by email before 21 September 2023.

Making changes to your abstract after the conference

    After the conference you will be able to submit an updated version of your abstract. The deadline for submission of an updated abstract is 2 weeks after the conference ends.

Please note: Abstract submission is closed but the instructions for submitting an abstract are provided below in case you wanted to check them

Abstract Submission

You will need to make an account on the Oxford Abstract site to submit an abstract and register.

The easiest way to submit an abstract is to prepare it in a word or text document and then paste the information into the submission portal.   

 Accepted abstracts will be published in the journal Twin Research and Human Genetics, and as such you need to follow the format provided below, abstracts that do not follow these instructions will not be accepted.

Make sure to spell check before you start the submission process. The abstracts will not be copy edited.

You can submit, as the presenting author:

     1 abstract for consideration as an oral presentation, or

     1 abstract for consideration as an oral presentation + 1 abstract for consideration as an poster presentation, or

     up to 2 abstracts for consideration as poster presentations

There is no limit to the number of presentations you can be a co-author/non-presenting author on.

To submit your abstract you will need the following information:

    TITLE: Maximum 50 words

    FULL AUTHOR LIST: Authors (including consortia authors) need to be listed in the correct order. Make sure you have the first name, last name and middle initial.

    AFFILIATIONS: Include department/group, University/Institute, City, State and Country e.g. Department of Psychology, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA 

    KEYWORDS: Up to 5 key words.

    ABSTRACT:Abstracts are limited to 250 words, including citations and references (if needed).     

        All citations included in the abstract must have a corresponding reference (and vice versa)

        If you chose to include citations/references they must be in this format:         

            Citation Style:

            One author: (Ottman 1996)

            Two authors: (Haworth and Davis 2014)

            Three or more authors: (Assary et al. 2017)

            Reference Style:

            Journal article: Constantino JN, Todd RD (2000) Genetic structure of reciprocal social behavior. Am J Psychiatry 157(12):2043-2045

            Book chapter: Neale MC (2009) Biometrical models in behavior genetics. In: Kim Y-K (ed) Handbook of Behavior Genetics. Springer, New York, pp 15-33

            Complete book: Armitage P, Berry G , Matthews JNS (2002) Statistical methods in medical research, 4th edn. Blackwell Science, Oxford  

    GRANT SUPPORT:  If applicable.

Making changes after submission

    You can make changes to your abstract until the submission deadline.

    After the conference you will be able to submit an updated version of your abstract. The deadline for submission of an updated abstract is 2 weeks after the conference ends.